Vehicle Management System with GPS Tracking is the complete Fleet Management System for managing vehicles. This system can able to manage vehicles and drivers, customers, keep a track of income and expenses and get detailed reports.
Real time gps tracking and Geofence is available in the system, which help to track location. Geofence help to track eye on inbound and outbound of particular marked location. This system gives a unique tracking url of trip and can able to share, the url to customer to keep tracking.
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- Dashboard
- Vehicles - Vehicle List - Vehicle Info - Add Vehicle - Vehicle Group
- Drivers - Driver Info - Driver Edit - Add Driver
- Bookings - Bookings Info - Bookings Edit - Add Booking
- Customers - Customer Info - Customer Edit - Add Customer
- Fuels - Fuel Info - Fuel Edit - Add Fuel
- Reminder - Reminder Info - Add Reminder
- Income and Expense - Income Expense Info - Income Expense Edit - Add Income/Expense
- Tracking - Tracking History - Live Location
- Geofence - Add Geofence - Geofence Info - Geofence Events
- Reports - Booking Report - Income and Expenses Report - Fuel Report
- Settings - General Settings - SMTP Configuration - Email Template
- Users - User's List - Add User
- Change Password
Frontend Booking
Frontend Booking page allows customer to book vehicles.Customer signup and login functionality also included.
Frontend Booking
Frontend Booking History
Total Vehicle's, Total Drivers, Total Customer, Today Trips, Income and Expenses, Reminder, Vechicle Current Location, Vechicle Running Status, Vehicle Geofence Status in Dashboard section.
You can list, create, edit, and group in Vehicles section.
Lists of Vehicles
Vehicle Details
Add Vehicle
Vehicle Group
You can list, create, and edit in Drivers section.
Lists of Drivers
Add Driver
You can list, create, and edit in Drivers section.
Lists of Bookings
Bookings Details
Add Bookings
You can list, create, and edit in Customers section.
Lists of Customers
Add Customers
You can list, create, and edit in Fuels section.
Lists of Fuels
Add Fuels
You can list, create, and edit in Remember section.
Lists of Remember
Add Remember
Income & Expenses
You can list, create, and edit in Income & Expenses section.
Lists of Income & Expenses
Add Income & Expenses
You can history or live location in Tracking section.
Tracking History
LIve Location Tracking
GPS Tracking
Option 1
- You can use custom android apk to send lat log to server
- Click to download Download apk file
- Identifier : API Username (Check in vehicle add/view page)
- Server URL : API URL (Vehicle add page)
- Frequency : Time interval to send data to server(Eg:10)
Option 2
- Use traccar client to send lat log to server.
- Click to download Download apk file
- Device Identifier : API Username (Check in vehicle add/view page)
- Server URL : API URL (Vehicle add page)
To post GPS data in REST API
If sub folder
Sub Folder URL :
For demo GPS latitude longitude, please use traccar client
In traccar client
Device Identifier: API Username (Vehicle edit page / Vehicle add page)
Server URL : API URL (Vehicle edit page / Vehicle add page)
For demo post GPS latitude longitude using traccar client
You can create, list, and events edit in Geofence section.
Add Geofence
Lists of Geofence
Geofence Events
You can generate booking, income & expenses, and fuel in Reports section.
Income & Expenses
You can manage general settings, SMTP configuration, and email template in Settings section.
General Settings
SMTP Configuration
Email Template
You can manage user accounts in Users section.
Lists of Users
Add User
Change Password
You can change your admin password in Password section.